Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Oh but yes...

Life at this point is so routine. I honestly feel like I am a Sim and there is someone controlling my every move. I mean what happened to the randomness I used to call "living"? It is like when you have graduated high school and you have to start being "responsible" you lose the will to just do things out of the blue. Road trips, staying up for three days straight, and what not. You just don't have time to do any of that stuff. We get into this mode that is just so structured.

How fucking boring. I am going to try to just start doing things out of the blue. I am tired of getting up in the morning, driving to work, working, lunch, back to work, driving home, watching television or reading, and then bed. Just to repeat the same bullshit the next day. I want to start taking road trips again. Seeing new things and meeting new people. I have lost that part of me and it is sad. I think that when we become "responsible" adults we just lose it. We do not mean to but it happens.

Well this child is taking back what he lost.


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