Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Love you long time...

The title of today's entry has nothing to do with this entry. I am listening to Nelly Furtado and that is my favorite part of "Maneater."

Today is Chloe's (April's baby) un-birthday. We are celebrating her original birth date if she would have stayed in for the full nine months. I think that it is a cute idea. Chlonique as I call her has gotten so big and in a short time. You figure she was just a little over four pounds when she was born and now she is up to almost nine pounds. Damn how time flies. I guess since I was there from birth it is just more noticable. Now if I would have been there from the moment of conception that would have been really noticable. Bad thoughts bad thoughts. I am really happy though that everything is going well for her and the family.

I had to work yesterday. The person that was supposed to work had to have off because he had to work on site today. I don't mind it. But, they better not think that I am working my normal Saturday. Huh..uh..honey! Not gonna happen. Plus, it is Thanksgiving weekend. You must of fell off of the wagon to think I'm not having myself a little four day vaykay. Anywho, the two Irish interns...Chris and Bryan were hammered when they came in. They reeked of alcohol. I only made them stay for like an hour and a half when they are supposed to work for about 5 hours. That is just because I am a nice person and I know what is it like being intoxicated and having to work. It sucks.

Well enough for now. Boobles! (April is the only one who will get this).


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