Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, October 03, 2002

Hello. So my dad tells me that there is this guy that is riding around D.C. shooting people with a deer rifle! What is his damage? Get on prozac mister or some drug that you could potentially overdose on. Why are people so evil? Get a grip on reality and kill yourself Mr. DeerRifleSharpShooterMan. I don't mean to make fun of the situation but my lord people have gone insane. I know that my journal is called insane and my stories are like out there but damn I don't go around hunting people. Sometimes I wish the world would come to an end because of all the bad things tht happen to people. I've accepted that I can't not have the world end when it happens. I can't be like "Hey God could you please hold off for like 60 more years." That is not gonna happen. When he is ready I've decided to be ready. Get over yourself if you think you can change some like apocolypse. It's like with Buffy the Vampire Slayer (which I love) she is able to stop the world from ending. In this day and age who would want to do that. Okay on the news all they are talking about is the tropical storm. Eff that! Talk about the man that is shooting I want to know that he is not around where I live. That sounds really greedy but I want an update. I need to know he is still around Montgomery County and that he is not near my mom's work. I was supposed to do a speech today in law class....guess what? It didn't happen. The people in this class like totally went off on the issue of "Is Thermal Imaging a violation of our fourth amendment guaranty?" I mean these people were like evil to the 100th cubed divided multiplied added subtracted square root of evilness. I was so prepared to do my speech to! I am bitter. Bitter...bitter..bitter! Have a cookie Paul is what I'm telling myself. It will subside the bitterness with some sweetness. Hey fat people are more rational relating to food. It's comfort. Like "comfortable." Remember eatable well we now have combines comfort and has to be good. Can a fat boy get a little crack! That's how they could cure obesity with crack. Get all the overweight people of America hooked on crack and they will be thin in no time. Then you go to rehab and bam you've had a hell of a time being high and now you are thin and can become fat again to go through the whole cycle again. How nifty thrifty is that? Probably not that good but it's a thought. I am on a roll today. The twilight phone has not come back to haunt me yet...I was ACD last night at work which doesn't require getting on the phones unless we are desperate. I have to go to work to drop a cd to Susan. I could collapse from exhaustion...I've had little sleep and no food today. Shout out to fat boy...he hasn't eaten yet! Let me tell you something I have to tell you about my English Professor and then I will stop writing. This entry should be interesting and probably long because I am manic as Amanda has said. So my professor is like the clone of Bill Saget or Ben Stein. He is like obsessed with sex. He loves literature that deals with sex. Amanda and I have discovered that he is a pimp. He wears like these shirts from the seventies with the collar open with the chest hair hanging out. He doesn't wear underwear...Amanda and I noticed this. I said do you see what I see and she said I was about to tell you. Don't ask me how we noticed but we did. He loves to bore us to death...picture the Ben Stein commerical "Do you have dry eyes?" He talks just like that except when it comes to sex poetry or how he says "sexy poetry." He has passion for sexy poems and the cuss words that are in there. He needs to be evaluated by the FBI because I think he is an illegal clone. He is like Species the movie trying to find an appropriate mate to have a species baby. Amanda I think he has his eye on you! Whatever he is weird and needs to be arrested by the fashion police. You get a ticket Professor B! Anyway I have to go listen to the news to like find out about what is going on that is usually the subject of the news but anyway I over analyze everything. Goodbye! I have to listen to Blanca Overfew...what kind of name is that! Toodles to Poodles who eat Oodles of Noodles and draw Doodles (not intended to be preverted just supposed to be a sketch)! You all have dirty minds. Bye bye homefry! Paul


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