So hello my people! I am like really tired because I've had like no sleep...but that's not my fault? No for real it's not! I couldn't fall asleep last night for the hell of me and then I decide to watch Lost Souls and had some really fucked up dreams. Especially about Desi. I tell you about one of them. So Desi and I have a child together. I have no clue why I dreamed this. But we are like happily married and have a daughter. We live in like CT or VT. I don't know why but one day I wake up and I can't see Desi's face or my child's face. They are not indentifiable. I remember getting out of bed and telling Desi I would be back in a couple minutes I was going to check on our baby girl and I find this doll that is missing it's eyes. On its forehead there is this weird symbol and it's mouth is closed. I go back to Desi tell her everything is okay and beside me is the doll but this time it's mouth is open like it is screaming. Weird Huh? I mean not being married to Desi with a child but the doll part and you know what the really weird thing is I never saw our daughter....I was in the room but she was not there...! Weird Like the twilight phone has like directed itself into my brain or something. I don't know tell me what you think I'm on alien right now so I've gotta go! Later nightmare on Helm st. Paul
Boy Interrupted
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