Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Sunday, January 05, 2003

This is an apology to my TD sisters: So I know I am the big mouth. That's the obvious...right? I hope you know that I did not mean to let the Secret Society TD Club information slip out. I wasn't thinking. Yeah that's right I wasn't thinking and didn't catch on to what was being said. The most I can say is that I'm sorry and that I really didn't mean to go that far. You know that I consider you my sisters and I care for you both as if you were blood. The most I can do is say that I am sorry and hope that you will accept my apology. I don't know I'm really upset right now so I'm like not making much sense trying to type any farther. I hate to have people mad or angry at me and it effects me where I can't get my words together. I'm at a loss for words because I can't think of another way to say what I want to say to you both. Imagine that Paul with nothing to say. I think that needs to happen more often than not. I've disappointed you both two times now because of my mouth and understand if you are upset but I'm hoping that all can be forgiven. My big brother duties are slacking aren't they....yep they sure are! I'm the dick...the one with the overflowing mouth of information...I take full credit for it. Well I really can't think of anything else to say except for I apologize and wish that I could take it back. (To all the other readers don't read into any of this because you have no idea what I'm talking about...I just ran my mouth the wrong way tonight) Love you both :() <-------me and my big mouth!! Chow or however you spell the fucking word!! Paul


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