Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Good Lord

It's only 9am and I am tired. But I have to head out to a doctor's appointment to set up my surgery. Ugh. But such is life. I'm planning for the surgery today and getting my referrals today to get the dreaded MRI and EMG (Electro Magnetic Graph) or something like that. All I know is they poke you with these needles like you are a turkey on Thanksgiving day but instead of seeing if you are baked and ready to eat they check your nerve waves. Blah! I don't hurt like holy fuck last time. But I've gotta.

I'm going to try to work today to make up for some hours that I have been missing. Okay I'll admit it I haven't been to work but one day in like 12. But what can I do. Oc's didn't work so what else is there to turn to. STREET DRUGS!!! Just kidding. Weed would probably do better anyway. But it would only be used for medicinal purposes.

I'm actually missing work. I haven't seen anyone. I was looking forward to seeing Constance on Saturday but she hasn't been back yet. I asked Desi how she was and she said okay but I figured that she probably didn't want to be bothered. But after reading her journal today I wish that I would have called or something. But just to let you know Constance I did ask about you and kept you in my prayers. And I just wanted to let you know honey bun that Desi had said you called you brother or something...I think it is when you found out Sarah was in B'more. That's probably how people thought you called your brother I don't really know. But my God I wish that I knew you were being serious. I feel partly to blame for like not calling Angel's house. I thought to myself I don't think she'll walk home but she will probably go to Angels. I wish that I would have called your cellphone or something or just clocked out and took you home. I hope that you realize that I thought you would just want time alone. I didn't know what to do once again so I figured that I'd see you at work but I'm guessing that you need time to chill or something. I'll give you a call tonight and maybe if you want we can go to the movies or chill and watch a movie at your house tomorrow night. But please don't think that I wasn't thinking about you. I love ya girl and you know that!!

I'll write more later...the fucking stupid ass doctor's office switched to a new location and not even mapquest has the directions to get there. I feel and Adventures in Babysitting feat coming on....but the bad news is that it is with my parents!! I'll be babysitting them because they are already fighting on how to get there. Lord please grant me the patience to not swerve into on coming traffic. Later ya'll


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