Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Saturday, March 01, 2003

The Queerest of the Queer

Yeah that's right...the queerest of the queer. You know what I have just about had it with people worrying if I'm a closet case. It's like if you are that interested in who I am trying to fuck then come and ask me. Don't just make conclusions on your own. Yes this means you Nazilla. How dare you say that shit in Tasha's review. Especially in front of Tasha and Desi. I don't understand where people get off saying "Well don't worry about trying to get with him because he's gay...right?" You know just because I don't go around trying to fuck every single woman that I see doesn't mean shit. I have respect for myself and when I'm ready to give it up then I will. And to think that I gay just because you stereotype people to be that way if ignorant. Do I need to get some type of tattoo that says "I not fucking gay" tattooed on my forehead? Huh? Is that what it is going to take? Obviously so! I thought that I had a wonderful relationshiop with someone but I see know that I was just to blindsighted. The person doesn't even want to take up for the wrong doing that Nazilla has done because they don't want to be wrapped up in that "shit." You know what if it were you I'd fully be there 100% to back you up. Especially, knowing how much this issue has effected me over my 22 years on Earth. But such is life. Anyway...I'm getting off here to go to bed and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Love ya'll bunches...Paul


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