Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Saturday, March 08, 2003

Forgive but never forget

So this is the phrase that has been running through my head today. I'm not sure why I'm so interested in this phrase. I think that with all the things that are going on in the world today that something like "the comment" shouldn't be taken so to heart. I think that I want to know that all my relationships...wether friendships...workships...or any other type of ships need to be in "okay" status. Granted that I will never forget what was said about me I still feel that I need to start forgiving people but I also need to forgive myself for some of the things that I have did in the past and still continue to do. I am not the most perfect person and I shouldn't expect anyone else to be. Maybe this is just a growing experience for me since I have seen some type of silver lining at the end of the situation. I can be the bigger person and forgive but I can also never forget.


I never want you to think that I would say anything about you in a negitive light again. I know that you and I have had huge disagreements but I'd like to think that we have grown to a great relationship. You above all people have been there for me in this call center. I greatly appreciate that. Especially, since you called me to resolve things when you thought I was talking about you. Remember that I am always here for you and I hope or know that I can say the same about you. You are a wonderful person and I want you to know that you are appreciated. Thank you so much my big butt muffin!! Love Ya!! Paul


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