Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Monday, September 29, 2003

Are you buggin?

I am. I was at Hair Cuttery tonight looking at products while I waited to get my hair cut. So I go to pick this gunk up and a jumping spider is on it. Hello! Bugs, fish, creepy crawlies don't belong in a hair cutting place...unless they are getting their hair did. No...not at all. I think bugs track me down and try to give me a heart attack. I almost killed a child in the process of jumping back away from it before it jumped on the next bottle. Damn aracnids.

But on a more interesting note...

This morning when I stopped to get a soda I almost ran over a woman. I thought it was funny...she didn't. But then again she did just get off work.

Today's hair tip:

Put on a visor. Then clip a curly ponytail on each side. Go to a co-worker who has their back to you and ask them "How much do you love me?" "Well if you love me that much turn around." (and be in some sexy position)

It's called the Princess Layah Love Look. That's what I did to Esther today. Now she loves me even more.

Before I got my hair cut today I made it into a mohawk and then put it in three mini-tails. They were cute. Esther said I should wear my hair like that all the time. I just don't think everyone would appreciate it...I mean Jennifer did tell me that I could pass for a tri-unicorn. Yah..ha...ha!

Question of the day: And just why can't the grass be greener on the other side? I say it's covered in cow shit but who am I to know.


Later painter...


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