Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Now it's starting to fall into place

The thing that I was talking about that is hidden. Well guess what? It was talked about today and where I know it's at the person came out of the blue and said it too. My father just about dropped dead and so did the other person because of me mentioning it last night on the ride home. This is exactly why I don't deal with death...because something weird always happens. It all started with me quoting stuff to Susan that her mother used to say to her before she died. Ever since then I just have these weird thoughts and questions and messages. I feel like that guy that was on t.v. but I get really freaked out about it. Well I'm off to finish "Tale of the Body Thief." But first I must email Zac. I know what the "he wanted you to know" is and I'm trying to figure out how to say it with seeming all crazy.


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