Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Friday, February 06, 2004

I am so pissed right now

I could just spit. I had paragraphs of stuff typed and I erased it. So now I'm not in a funny ha ha mood. So I'll summarize.

*Ling-ling and Sing-sing slumber party tonight
*Went into work late...smoked lots of cigarettes...lungs are heaving and screaming for help.
*Recommendation: Junie B. Jones...for the kids
*Uncle Dave had back surgery today...Aunt Ganda says a-okay....much highness on his part in the future...share the wealth with Aunt Ganda....and me.

Now I'm going to eat my vegetarian tacos and plot the demise of the world because I'm pissed.

Everyone I love bow before me or it will be off with your fucking heads. Night everyone!! LOL


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