Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Friday, February 06, 2004

Me + Mary Kate and Ashley Eyemake= I Sparkle

Every now and again I like to get highlights in my hair. Not always blonde but orange, red, blue, purple, skittles taste the rainbow. However, the cost of highlights is out of control. I mean come on my hair is like not even an inch long...okay a little of an inch. Anyway I had bought this eye pencil eyeshadow thing for Halloween to use as I was dressing up as Mimi from Drew Carey. Well after Halloween I thought I wonder what would happen if I put it in my hair? It actually looks like I can get all kinds of different colors and they wash out that night. I have gold, green, bronze, blue, pink. But the deepest satisfaction aside from not having to pay $75 or whatever highlights is that it makes me sparkle. I thought this from day one of the fake makeupy highlighting idea but it was confirmed when Pat at work told me that I "shimmer, glisten, I sparkle." Is it just me or is she my inner dragqueen speaking from a woman's body? Pat is becoming a sensational faghag and it is because of me...and my new alterego...Sparky McSparkles.


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