Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Monday, February 02, 2004

I'm so going to Cleveland

Because Patrick is there and he doesn't think I'm hideous as does the rest of the internet population. Damn chatrooms.

Does anyone remember...

The show with Muffy the Mouse who lived in a penthouse inside a department store. There was a magic maniquin and the security guard was a puppet. And there was this black lady with really bad jericurl taking care of the toy department. If so please leave the name on my comments because it drives me crazy that I can't think of the name.

Aside from that Muffy rocked! She was a cute little gray puppet rodent with blonde hair and buck teeth. She is my hero. Plus the vact that she had an elevator in her house...damn now that's living.

It is so frigid outside. I have a feeling mother nature isn't going to be so sparing with the "coming of the precipitation." The newscasters say that it should most likely be rain on the local weather. (Note: The local weather in WV is basically a really fat and middle aged man guessing). The weather channel says however, that there will me "muchos de hielo" or a lot of ice. Anyway you look at it tomorrow will be shitty. I'm not expecting more than the "dark and gloomies." And yes I have to travel in the bullshit to get a CT Scan on my sinuses. That should be buckets-o-fun.

My two cents...

So I find that a lot of people find 50 Cent attractive. Am I the only one that thinks he could be the fourth "Chipmunk?" I mean yeah he is all built and all but what the fuck happened to the face. I think more than one bullet penetrated that disaster. He to me is just a big no no.

1. No your teeth are not bucking out like that and you have the money to get them bitches fixed.
2. No your eyes don't always resemble someone high on crack...there are surgeries for that problem.
3. No you really don't need that bullet proof vest and bomb proof Hummer...both in God and my eyes are hideous.

And now moving on to more important matters Clay Aiken. Yeah my motherfuckin eyes are achin' from the ugliness you exude. Damn but if he doesn't look like he is made out of molding clay. And the accent...oh hell no. Where the hell are you from again? Go to a fucking speech therapist bastard you have the fucking money. Damn. I mean yeah he has a good voice for being twigboy but try to at least ennunicate your words. Hello you are a public figure. Again he is a no no.

1. No your hair does not resemble the inside of a fucking skittle bag...please change your hair technician.
2. No your mouth is not bigger than the Mississippi is wide...keep that pit closed.
3. No you actually are the ugliest monster I have ever seen...Beauty and the Beast is touring...have an audition?

I am really being hard on these people. I mean yeah they must have something I am lacking..."looking fucked up in public." Whooo! Jesus I know I should not be judging people but holy hell Batman these people bring me some night tremors. Rupaul without makeup is scary...these two are just plain physically impaired with no chance of recovery.

Yeah I had a good day. Actually a very good day. Some things just have to be said and damnit if I'm the one to deliver the message than so be it.


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