Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Cruel Intentions

When someone decides to help a person who is caught in a catch 22 is there a way around the person lending the helping hand to not be in a catch 22 as well? What started out as good intentions slowly morphed into an act of cruel intentions. The thing is is that the person doing the lending of their hand still doesn't see how what was out of the kindness of their heart became a or is being seen as an act of trickery. Am I so blind not to see the other standpoint? No. I played both scenarios in my head before taking action. It just happens that the wrong one or the one I did not want to happened...happened.

Situation: A friend of mine decided that he/she truly adored another person. He/She decided to tell me about the person. I found that person good for Mr/Mrs He/She. Then he/she decided that they were not too sure of their standing with "the person being adored" and asked me to email then to find out "Do you consider He/She a friend?" I took it upon myself to wait. He/She tells me to not do it several days down the road and I don't. Then I'm talking to He/She and their attitude is different and they are talking crazy over this person. To the point where I am thinking they may do something drastic so that night I email "the person being adored." The person I email gets annoyed and says that I'm prying for information that is none of my business and asks why I would even send an email in this nature? I tell them I did it to protect my friend He/She. I understand it is wrong but I'm just looking out for friend who in no way is to blame for me sending the email. I did this on my own accord. The email receipient gets smart. And argues but by the end of the conversation I have apologized for being "the friend who worried about He/She" and the answer "good enough" is the end of the conversation. In the meantime, He/She is talking to me and I tattle on myself. He/She gets mad but says that he/she can deal with it because I was just doing it to make sure He/She wasn't hurt. Well this happened before the conversation with "email person/person being adored." Well during the little typing touche I accidently confess that He/She "likes" Email Boy/Girl. It just came out. So I send the whole conversation to He/She and have yet to hear back from He/She. And I am 174% devastated. (*If you know who I'm talking about please don't say their names.)

So the whole situation baffles me. He/She was in the catch 22 of if "I talk to this person I'm putting myself at risk to be disappointed" but "If I don't talk to this person than I'm not at risk." I got tired of hearing the "I'm damned if I do talk and damned if I don't talk speech" and sent the email. All I was expecting was a "it's none of your business" reply. The I tell He/She the same thing I have been saying: "You cannot rush someone into loving you. It takes time. You say this person does like you one minute then flip the script. Give it time you are such a great man/woman and you have to give this person time to get to know you. Things just don't happen overnight. Unless you are a hooker." Yeah the hooker part is just me trying to be funny about the whole situation. So what started out as good intentions (and that's all they are) are being seen as cruel intentions.

I am lost. And I never got to say goodbye.


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