Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Certainly you must be joking?

What the FUCK???? I can't get onto anyone's blogs at the present time. My daily ritual has been shattered. Shattered, shredded, destroyed. Daily ritual:

Wake up
Get ready for work
Drive to work
Sit at work and think of working
Get off of work
Drive home
BLOG time!!
Read, television, whatever time
Insomniac sleeping schedule time always subject to change (usually 20 minutes every 2-3 hours)

So as you can see I must have done something wrong today to deserve this. I didn't come straight home. I got my hair cut. Did this throw off the whole daily ritual? Alas, I shall never know. Ganesha, you are so not removing the obstacles like you are supposed too. For those of you who don't know who Ganesha is He the Hindu God for the removal of obstacles and the God of good fortune. He is worn around my neck 24-7. Yes he sees me naked in the shower.

And now that I've made that statement I'm thinking that maybe he doesn't want to and this is my punishment.

Work today was the equivalent to Dante's Inferno. As the day progressed and I traveled through the different levels of Hell (for me it would be levels of time) it just got worse and worse. I tried to resolve a problem by asking to be sat by my lonesome. The less interaction I have with people the better off I am but Jerry my supervisor did not seem to think that was a solution. I think he really needs to re-evaluate the situation. I'm way more productive when I'm alone. Not that I don't love my partner in crime Cheryl it is just that I need a break from what I'd like to call the "estrogen factor."

Too much estrogen in one place equals me turning into "The Queen of all Bitches" and having a postal/open target moment. I'm filled with testosterone (even though I probably didn't spell it correctly) but there comes a time when the estrogen starts to seap into your skin and your "inner bitch" emerges. I am just trying to not have that happen.

I need some alone time. Or with the right person some "don't leave me alone time."

I'm thinking the odds are on the "alone time."

Night everyone!


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