Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Monday, March 22, 2004

Blogging should be made law

I think that everyone needs to blog. Wether it be once a day or once a week, month, whenever. Not only is it good for the soul but it also provides about an hour of entertainment for me a day. I am seriously thinking about writing someone in the government (which it doesn't matter because they are all bastards) and telling them that it would be beneficial to the school system to have children start writing in online journals. It would help them learn about themselves, learn about other people (races, sexes, sexualities), and plus it would give them a chronicle of their lives. I am so in a political mood right now. Go Gay Marriage!!

Anyway, Cyn never let's me down. Her comment about if you want a piece of pie come over "I'll be vacuuming in high heels." Has totally validated my day as being a good one.

Cheri had her surgery today. I haven't heard from her yet so I'm assuming that everything went well. I mean she did have surgery on her lip so I'm thinking that she can't talk. Otherwise, I would have heard from her. I think I'll call Yong Mai, Cheri's mom to get an update.

By the way there may be a summer wedding in the future. Cheri and I are talking about getting married this summer. Not because we're crazy but because we love each other and because we realize that she can have her boyfriends/girlfriends and I can have my boyfriends. Plus we both want kids and I think we would make lovely children. If we decide to get married I am so having in a location that all my bloggie buddys can attend.

And suggestions for colors?


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