Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Lazy Daze

So I have managed to see a doctor or have a test done every day this week. Monday was acupuncture, Tuesday was blood work, Wednesday was a bone scan. Today is the first day that I haven't been to a doctor's appointment. I was in a daze for most of today because I felt like I should be somewhere but I had nowhere to go. My left arm looks like I have been shoting heroin because of all the needles I have been poked with. I officially have track marks without ever running track or getting high off that which would give you tracks. I was radioactive yesterday though when dye or something was shot in my to go through my bones for the scan. I should have been dressed in one of those space suits or something. I was afraid my cellphone would ignite me or something being all radioactive and all. But, nothing happened. It just made me pee a lot. Other than that I am waiting to hear about my disability which has me freaking out because I do need money and I need time to get my immune system back in check.

Please let things work out so I get time off to get this done and get the money for the time I am off from work. If not I will be living in a cardboard box. I just don't know how I'm going to afford to buy the boxes for the house or the garage I'll need for my car. And I'm so not into brown...I'm thinking red boxes...with black paper curtains.

That's right...I have too much time on my hands. Night everyone.


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