Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Biz ziz ziz zay

Work was hell last night. We were extremely backed up on the route packets for the drivers. Our drivers are supposed to be out on the road by 3am no later. Well some of them didn't get to leave until about 430am. And I am not to blame thank you very much. Johannes and I busted our asses to get caught up. Kim stayed after for four hours to help. But by the end of the night (it would now be my morning) we were caught up but we will see what happens when Ford gets there report and we so did not make a 99% on time rate. We are blaming it on the shipping company. They sent us three loads that were supposed to be sent out the previous night last night so that is what fucked everything up. Can't people fucking be on time for once? Huh? Is it that impossible? I'm always on time to work actually, at least 15-20 minutes early but that's because I'm perfect.

Just joking. Needed that little vanity today to make life worth living. LOL

Well tomorrow's just another day...tonight however I'm hoping will be a different story.

P.S. Thanks for the comments Amanda. I'll have to come up one night and get your template filled with links and shit. Maybe I can come up Sunday afternoon around 2 or something. Call my cellphone and leave a message to let me know if that would be cool. Later Girl!!


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