Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Sunday, July 18, 2004

I Fear The Month After March...
So like I said I was supposed to go see Cheryl and April yesterday.  Well my dumbass doesn't set the alarm when I get home because I thought I was just going to stay awake until I had to leave.  My bad.  I fell asleep in a matter of an hour and didn't wake up until 730pm.  By this time I know that April is steaming mad.  I have let her down too often and this just takes the cake.  She has been the only person in my life that has never let me down and has always stuck by me.  I need to start doing the same and stop being so irresponsible when it comes to April and I's friendship.  It is hard though when you work a completely different schedule.  I'm up at night now.  Not during the day...except today of course because my back started hurting.  Anyway, so I am terrified to call her because I know she is fuming.  I can tell by the comment last night.  But I'm going to call her and offer to take her and Adam out to lunch in Frederick to make up for me being such a loser.
But before I go I have to tell you about my dream last night.  I rarely remember dreams but for some reason I remembered this one.  I was dating someone.  At first it wasn't clear who I was dating.  All I know is that the relationship held plenty of passion, laughter, happiness, and above all LOVE.  I actually felt like I was "in love" in this dream.  It was almost overwhelming.  The dream like lasted for a month into our relationship until I woke up.  The last thing I remember was that I was buying my boyfriend an antique necklace with a charm on it.  It represented the first movie we had ever seen together.  I never got to give it to you Patrick Doyle!!  because I woke up too soon.  I don't know why it is that I chose you to be the boyfriend in my dream but let me just tell you I was so at peace and happy.  It was like I was on an emotion I had never felt before.  When I woke up I wanted so much for it to be real but then I realized it would never happen because I couldn't fall back to sleep.  So hopefully tonight I'll have a repeat performance.  By the way Patrick the sex was great, we were on vacation with some friends, and both my parents loved you as my boyfriend. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes you did upset me but I need your help when it comes to the wedding stuff. Thanks for dinner and everything. We just have to get cracking on this because before we know it, it will be June 11th.

11:34 AM  

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