Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Friday, August 20, 2004

Absence makes the stomach feel thunder

Sorry for my absence in writing but I have been under the weather. I am not sure if it is food poisoning or just one of those pesky stomach bugs. Whatever the case it has not been pleasant. I feel for a woman on her period. Not because of the whole "I'm bleeding from down under." But, because of the cramps. Cramps suck. Enough said.

Work has been work. The drama that comes from work has been astounding though. I wonder how such a tight knit group of workers (6 office workers) can create so much plight? At any rate I have moved on from it. Actually, I was the last to know about the "drama" that I caused. Actually, I didn't even know there was any drama until people pass along information and it becomes contorted like a sexual position. When I was dubbed the office's "fucking drama queen" I stepped in to resolve the issue that others made from nothing but chit chat between myself and my partner in crime JoHaNnEs. I wish that people would just keep their ears to theirselves and not pass along a simple conversation that turns into me "quitting my position" here at Schneiderville. Yes, I work for Schneider National. No big deal. I work for the third ranking trucking compnay in the nation. Whoo...hoo.

More importantly, when it comes to myself and coworkers I never bitch and complain about them to each other. I write out my frustrations online. And that is where it stays. When I leave work anything that deals with work stays at work. I do little things for my coworkers to show my appreciation for their hardwork. Like keep snacks and what not for them. I help do their work that comes in at night to lighten their load during the day. I basically look like a brown noser when all I want to do is be nice and pay it forward. Even though I never get the pay it forward passed back. So when a certain person whom I adore dubs me a "fucking drama queen" there is much trouble on the horizon. I figured let it go. It is just words. I've been called worse throughout my life fag, faggot, and so on. But, as the days rolled by it hurt me more and more that the one person I thought I had a great work relationship with and developing friendship with would call me this. I brought it to the table. The way I figure it is if I can't let it go in 4 days then what makes me think that I can let it rest two weeks from now. It is not the point that I am mad. I got over the being mad part of it. What I haven't gotten over is the fact of being called this when I assure you it does not apply. Office workers that heard this came to me because they were more upset that someone would call me this when they see the person calling names more suitable for the title of "a fucking drama queen." So I took it to my manager who was officially pissed off. Actually, pissed off wasn't the word. He told me that I am anything but and that the person starting this whole mess with reconstructing stories secondhand and calling names is being taken care of. Whatever that means I don't know I just know that resignation was a word thrown in the mix today when communicating to her.

So it is good to know that I am once again appreciated at work from my manager who has told me the following:

"Paul your ability to adapt to a changing company is remarkable. Your data entry, learning curve, and dedication to be productive are outstanding. I have never worked with someone so willing to adapt and at the same time learn new things within hours of training. You dedication to our account is much appreciated. You are one that will be here for the long haul and that is said with the upmost confidence."

This makes me wonder if the "Office Queen" is threatened because I have taken some of the limelight? But whatever. I am going to kill her with kindness which is the best thing to do in situations like this.

P.S. She was known as the "Office Queen" before I started here.

Well if my tummy decides that it wants to cooperate in the a.m. I'm headed to Baltimore to visit the grandparents. If not I'm off to try to decorate my new room our new house. The color are brilliant. I painted it today. I promise pictures because I am very proud of my little space in the world.

Hope everyone is well and has a great weekend.


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