Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Splitting Melon

Tonight I woke up with a god awful migraine. It subsided for a while after I took a pain killer but it has slowly crept back. What to do? What to do? I have taken some Tylenol but for some reason that stuff never seems to work.

And shall I mention work? Why yes...yes I shall. It is going so slow. Slower than usual. Last night flew by. Maybe because I had to file about 50,000 papers. And this my friends is no exaggeration. It took forever to do the filing but with Johannes' help it went faster. I now have a deep hate for filing. Plus the fact that I punctured my ring finger with a heavy duty staple didn't help. Blood...blood...and more blood. When this happened I yelled that I "hated fucking filing and that I had to smoke a cigarette because my nerves were shot." So I did.

But the filing still got done.

A couple of years ago I wrote a poem. It was called Ode to Icky Bug. Well our building has these hideous creatures. There was one in the building last night. It was as long as a crayon. If not longer. With all it's thread like legs it waited patiently for me to spray it with window glass cleaner. I got up on a chair. Pat handed me the spray and I began to spray. This motherfucker jumped at us. Fell to the floor and ran off. Pat and I screamed at the top of our lungs. Hopefully, the bitch died. And there is another one in here again tonight. He has been sprayed with window cleaner too. He did not jump...only ran. Hopefully, he is running to that bright light I have so nicely led him to with the spray of cleaner.

Oh how I loathe insects. Especially, mutant bugs.


Blogger No Milk Please said...

there was one time, there was a gecko in my apartment that i sprayed and sprayed bug spray on not realizing that it probably is the wrong thing to do. it ran away, but i don't know if it died. i just didn't want to touch it.

9:30 AM  

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