Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Friday, August 06, 2004

Flashy Honk Honk

On my way to work tonight a cop pulled out behind me. I was obeying every law. I had my cruise control set at the speed limit and so on. Well when I was going around a turn my tire went on the yellow line. I didn't think anything of it. Well I'm almost at work and the cop decides he is going to pull me over. I'm like WTF. He comes up to the car and says "I saw your tire go on the yellow line and I pulled you over to make sure you weren't drinking." I told him I was headed to work and that I realized I went over a little too far on the line. It was my bad. Well he makes me give him my license, registration and proof of insurance. I'm like he cannot be giving me a ticket for a random drunk driver stop. He brings back a warning because my registration wasn't signed. I now have a deep appreciation for loathing cops. He was very nice though. Actually, I understand why he pulled me over but I'm thinking that my car is possessed by some cop attracting demon. I am really thinking about getting rid of the Mercedes.

So I'm at work now. I was 10 minutes late because of being stopped. Work is the same old same old. I am awaiting an email from O.J. I look forward to them every night. I like his writing style and I am thankful that I now have a new friend to chat with. A friend that brings out the philosophical side of me. It is a good thing. So thanks for sending that first email O.J. I look forward to many more in the future.

Yesterday when I got off of work I went to mecca and had to get fluid pills. My feet were retaining water. I was afraid they were going to fall off. But they are much better now. I also bought "13 Going On 30." I have made it through the first 45 minutes so far. Not the best movie but I like the fashion in the movie. I'll finish it Sunday when I get back from my camping trip tomorrow night.

Yes, Paul is going camping. Will he survive? I'm not sure. But you will know if there is a post on Sunday or Monday recounting this earth shattering event.

Please pray that there are no Michael Myers or Freddy's out in the woods with us. Or at least I hear that eerie music so I can run ahead of time.


P.S. Update. I have spent the whole night reading this woman's blog. Absolutely satisfying.


Blogger No Milk Please said...

i hate the idea of camping. can't one commune with nature in a five-star hotel? :P

11:04 AM  

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