Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Friday, August 13, 2004

I don't get mad I get even...

I understand that wherever you work there are always going to be flaws with coworkers. Here it seemed that everyone watched out for everyone. As I have found out tonight that is not the case. Due to information from my amiga Ms. Sherry NeeHigh I have began to realize who and who not to trust.
The television that I mentioned last night is gone. I have packed it up and it will be going home to me because there are assumptions going on regarding my little black and white bliss. I keep this here primarily to keep up on the weather because I do work at a trucking company so it benefits us to know what is going on weather wise. This is now stopped. I had two books sitting at my desk that I read on and off when I have down time. Which is not often. They too have become a topic of debate. So they are now gone and will go home with me as well. I don't understand what the big deal is anyway. I get my work done plus I help do work for other shifts to help them out. I keep busy so shut the fuck up about it.
They take take and take but never give is the next topic. I have always kept snacks and what not for my coworkers. The only people that have ever thanked me here were Pat, Sherry NeeHigh, Johannes, Paul and Earle. Those that seem to eat 70% of what I keep have never said "thank you," "you are so nice," or "fuck you." Now that is going to change. I give out of the kindness of my heart. I usually spend around $30 a week keeping things for my coworkers. Now we should note that I have maybe had two candy bars out of all of this. This is stopping. I have cleaned out the snack bin. Everything is gone. The only things left are a guava juice and two mountain dews. Nothing else will be brought back in.
You fuck with my trust I fuck with you. So as a proclaimation I will do what I am supposed to do each night and I will continue to help out those that value me as a coworker. For those that are users when you reach up to open that cabinent and you see nothing there I want you to think on why nothing is there and will continue not to be there.
Sherry NeeHigh I trust you enough not to say a word because you are the one that has kept me informed of the going's on here. I love you girl. But remember this is never to leave this page and as I have told you if it does there is no trust or relationship between us ever again and the site changes. So believe me when I say that I trust you enough to read this but as with everyone I always give warning.


Blogger No Milk Please said...

i have learned to keep work and friendship separate. it is very hard to keep personalities at bay when you are friends with people at work, they betray you. in my last job, i ranted and complained to my "friends" at work and they took it as if i was like that when i worked. i am very professional and would never treat my co-workers anything but in a professional manner. and just because i ranted about them doesn't mean i would act any different.

i wish you good luck, paul. keep your eyes and you ears pealed.

10:23 AM  

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