Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Table of Contents

I am sitting at work and I am happy. I haven't been this happy with a job in so long. Actually, since I was 18 and worked my infamous days as a Subway employee. April you can vouch for those days being infamous....because to us they were. I have an awesome crew that I work with. There is little to no bickering between coworkers. Well with the exception of that one time I have mentioned. Now I do not consider the truck drivers my coworkers. They are more as the office workers servants. So that is what I will consider them...servants. They serve the purpose we give them. However, I do realize that our jobs depend upon their performance that is why I can still appreciate the work that they do. They work their asses off by the way.

I get my new insurance on Friday. Thanks be to God that I don't have to worry about not having insurance.

I am looking forward to the move now more than I thought that I would. My parents so deserve this house. They have always wanted a victorian style home and now they will have it. I am going to try to give them money every week just to help out. I am so proud of them for all that they have accomplished and all that they have left to accomplish.

Baby Girl (my pet rat) has to go in for surgery in two weeks. Most rats tend to get tumors/cysts. And Baby Girl was lucky enough to get one. The vet says that it will not be a problem to remove it. It is near her jaw so if it gets any bigger it can impair her from eating and if too big it cannot be removed. I am worried for her and I pray that nothing happens to my little precious gem. I still remember the day I bought her. I was so nervous because this little life was in my hands and I was now responsible for it. She was so tiny...the length of a 4 yr olds hand if not smaller and about as round as a pack of Rolo. She has made me appreciate having a pet that I can call my own even though I don't get to see her more. Mom and Dad love her to death. At first they were a little gunshy about it but now they love her more and more everyday. Plus her sassy attitude makes for much laughter. So please if you would say a little prayer as stupid as you may think it is that my rat, Baby Girl is okay before, during and after the surgery. It would be much appreciated.

Well I've got to get something to eat and smoke a cigarette...which I know I need to stop doing...and this actually pertains to both eating and smoking. Just kidding. I don't eat enough as it is. Now smoking I do too much of but I am cutting back and hope to stop by the end of the year if not sooner.

So everyone have a great night.


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