Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Saturday, October 09, 2004

As I Will It So Shall It Be

I traveled a long long way today,
So far back it didn't seem like I had left.
But, how can you ever leave something like that undone?
Somehow, you know it will come around again,
Rearing its ugly fucking head in the shape of sharpness.

Dare I trespass again back to that place?
Dare I not and feel it merge with more strength?
Then you decide that you should just go with it,
I mean what else have you got to lose?
What is another drop of blood spent?

If you will it away somehow it wasn't strong enough,
But how can will be strong without will's master being equal?
Will is a burden, free will, all bullshit,
Do you ever think what drives bullshit?
That of the worm in the gound, so so weak.

As I will it so shall it be,
However, it never turns out that way.
What the fuck was the point of trying to control it?
I knew I never could and maybe never will,
But it's nice to know you can't either.


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