Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Red Sea

As I was getting ready for work this morning my nose started to run. Now it is not uncommon for me to have to blow my nose every morning but this morning something was different. As I began to clear my nose I noticed red. Blood red. For the first time in Paul history I had a nose bleed. I freaked out. Hello I have been here for over 25 years and you would think that I would have at least had one nose bleed. I could taste it going down my nose and it would not stop. It lasted for upwards of an hour. It was disgusting. But, I am all better now. Whew!!

Work is going good. As I was driving in to work yesterday it started to snow and did not stop until around noon. I loved it. Although I did not love the traffic which made me late. But, I did get to watch it snow out my temporary office window. It was beautiful. It made me want to crawl into bed with a hot chocolate and watch a movie and drift off to sleep. Actually, it was the fact that I stayed up late that made me want to fall asleep. I struggled really bad yesterday with staying awake. I managed.

I made a vow yesterday that I would go to bed at a decent hour seeing that I have to be up at 5:00 a.m. I did not watch the 2-hour special of American Idol Men last night. I only watched the first hour and then I made myself turn off the television and go to bed. I tossed and turned all night but did sleep pretty well in between. I also watched Zathura which is the sequel to Jumanji. It was decent.

Well off to work!! I mean I am here and all.


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