Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Times...They Have Been A Changin'

Well as you can see it has been quite a while since I last posted. Some things have changed. Actually, some major changes have taken place. I quit my job with Beyond Closets and I must say that this decision was the absolute best decision I have made since going to rehab. My friend Meghan worked there as a designer and sales representative. Things were going quite shitty for her. The owners, Mark and Toya were being very hard on her and saying things to me about her behind her back. One was that they were going to fire her. For what reason I do not know. So Meghan finally got tired of the bullshit with the Bastard Owners and quit. So, that night I go to log onto work's system at home to do my weekly report. I cannot get into the system. Neither can Meghan. I cannot even get into my email. Neither can Meghan. So, I proceed to call the BO's until about 2:00 a.m. trying to find out what is going on. I get a call the next morning from Mark who proceeds to accuse me of having a conspiracy plotting adventure with hidden agendas with Meghan. I was totally shocked. He accused me of working for a competitor which by the way I hope the competitors out do this company because their work ethic and quality of treating customers is below...actually it is just plain obsurd. I then assure Mark that I have no hidden agenda, that I am not working for a different company and he tells me that we will have a meeting on Monday just to go over the confidentiality agreement. I am okay with this because I think they are just being paranoid.

Now mind you I have no clue why they think I am a spy. Although it would of been nifty if I were one because I am nosy. They gave me no reason why they had grounds to think this and most importantly accuse me of this. I proceed to go in on Monday and Toya (wilderbeast as I like to call her) is there to talk with me. She tells me that she wants me to write a list of what my goals are with the company, what my duties are at the company, and how I plan to benefit the company. And tells me that I can go home for the day and we will meet tomorrow on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. The bitch comes out in me. Oh no this triflin' buckteethed wilderbeast did not just let me get up at 6:30 a.m. to drive for an hour and a half and waste my gas and pay $6.00 in tolls to come here for an hour to tell me that I will be going home for two days without pay and that they do not know if they want to keep me. I am infuriated. On fire. pun intended here folks. How is it that when an employee quits I am then the object of "we need to take this out on someone so why not the repressed gay boy?"

So, I talk to my friends and family about the situation and they say that the BO's are first of all paranoid and extremely unprofessional and assholes. To accuse someone of something. To go after that person's character. And with no explanation. That night I write them an email and inform them that I would not be back. It was the right thing to do. I had done a lot for that company, organizing their office, the filing system, creating master keys for all their records, doing their marketing, meeting with clients, all their ordering, trying to keep everything on track with the shop, helping with the office move, doing things on weekends for them. And, I am not lying here my friends. When I first started there the company was so beyond unorganized I do not know how they managed to stay afloat for this long. I have messages, voicemails, and emails from them telling me that they are very proud to have me on board and that I have added so much to their company.

Several days later I get a call from the BO's they tell me that they have made a mistake and that they really want to meet with me about this. They really miss me and the job I was doing. So, I give them the benefit of the doubt and meet with them on Saturday.

Mind you I drive the hour and a half to get there, pay the toll for myself and for a furniture truck because his smart tag was not in the company truck, to the toll to get back home. The meeting lasted maybe 10 minutes. I even did the whole letter thing they wanted. We never got to that. They told me that they talked some more and decided to just accept my resignation because they really did not know what they wanted to do with the office at this time. Motherfuckers. Then Toya proceeds to ask me for their stuff that I had in my car. Some $65.00 baskets, rods, postcards, client folders and other stuff. I tell her that I do not have it because I didn't it was in my parents car. I had transferred it there when I got my tires changed. So, I believe that they just wanted me to come down to collect their stuff. I remained calm. I told Toya she could meet me the following day to get the stuff. Little did she know what was to come.

As I was eating lunch with my father I became more and more livid over the shady actions that had just occurred. Those fucking bastards. So, I proceeded to text Mark and Toya and told them that they were very unprofessional and rude for treating me like this. As if they were trying to embarass me which I am one who never gets embarassed I get even. I told them how disappointed I was in them and that they and their company could burn in hell. Mark sends a response of "God Bless." I told him that he was a hypocrite. And in the next message I told them that if they wanted their stuff they could look at the landfill because I was throwing it out. I know that I stepped down to a low level but, it satisfied the bitch in me.

And I still have their stuff I am going to use it. I also had $230.00 worth of stamps that they had just given me. Looks like I will not need to buy that for a while. LOL.

My new job starts soon and I am very pleased with the company and the people that work there. They are very nice and respectable/trustworthy people unlike the BO's.

This is a really long post. Damn it. My hand is getting tired if you know what I mean. Just kidding. Also, I have started exercising and eating better. I really need to get this weight down or I am going to be the next fat joke.

Hope all is well with everyone. And if you get a chance stop by their website and send in some fake inquiries. Nothing is better than revenge and with your help it would be divine. Here is the fuck rags bastard owner's link Shitty Closets by Mark and Toya Evans.

Oh, and if you should happen to read this in the Metropolitian area do not use this company. Their product is low grade, their service is very poor, and you could do so much better at Capitol Closets, Closet Factory, or even Home Depot.


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