Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Send Em' Out

Yesterday I went for the first stage in testing to become a dispatcher for Loudoun County. The test was moderately easy. There were a couple of things I know that I could have done better on but I am not used to the type of test that they gave. Some things on the test were map reading, data entry, prioritization, comparison, memorization, and the ability to respond to things while doing something else. All in all the test went great. At least I think so. However, there was a woman there that asked the question "What exactly do you mean by data entry?" I was like is she for real? How the hell did she even make it this far? I am sure the instructor thought the same thing. It baffled me that someone in their late 20s early 30s did not know what data entry meant. I am sure she would be an excellent candidate for Jeopardy if things do not work out with becoming a dispatcher.

After the testing I went to have lunch and a movie with my father. We went to see UltraViolet. Which by the way I really enjoyed and recommend for people to see. It is not your average movie. It is mostly green screen but the whole movie is good. It actually dealt with vampires which I did not expect. But not the typical vampire sucking blood. It was a virus that changed you into a vampire but also killed you too over time.

I am heading to Baltimore this weekend to see my Grandmother. I called her last night. You see calling my Granny is a task so you have to be prepared to at least be able to give up an hour or more of your time. The conversation is ended by her at about 30 minutes but it picks right back up after she says she is getting off the phone. I checked so see how long I was on the phone with her when she said she had to get off to do some cleaning and it was 37 minutes. The conversation wound up lasting one hour and 9 minutes. She was talking about a neighbor of hers that she believes is running a drug cartel out of her house. She said that the cartel woman is huge and that she wears spiked heeled boots that she cannot walk in because of her ass being so big. She told me that the woman's ass is so big that you could ride it from here to Europe and back and not put a dent in it. She then informs me that the woman has handicapped tags and that the reason she has them is because there is so much lead in her ass and that they gave them to her because she cannot walk too far or the national oceanic associate would have to be flown in to get her from her car to her house. My Granny is the best. She is the only person I know that can make fun of anyone and get away with it. I hope I am just like her when I am older because she rocks.

Granny Power!!


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