Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Friday, March 10, 2006

Well you did piss in my cheerios by the way!

When I am at work I find that for me to be productive I need to listen to music. Now I do not enjoy the music that they provide throughout the building. Smooth Jazz 105.9? If they want us to be productive don't give us a dose of the most boring music to ever grace the air waves. I go to Launch by Yahoo everyday. Yesterday I am listening to their "Today's Big Hits" station and all of a sudden the music stops. It tells me that I have reached my monthly usuage threshold and that I can only listen to a free channel with a no skipping the shitty music option. Is this a spaceship? How do you reach maximum threshold on a computer music program? Damn them. So I have brought in my iPod today to listen to the music I enjoy. Well, I forgot to charge it so I only have a quarter of the full battery. And if I plan on watching an episode of "That's so Raven" or any of my videos I will probably get to see about five of them and it will die. I knew I should have paid attention to my inner thoughts last night when it said "Charge your iPod battery you idiot for tomorrow." Instead I fell asleep extremely early only to still be in a coma this morning at 5:30 a.m. when I am supposed to be up for work.

At least it's Friday. If someone says otherwise I too shall be added to the list of America's Most Wanted.


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