Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Monday, April 17, 2006

Moving Too Fast

Lately my weekends seem like they do not even exist. It seems like I get off on Friday and when I wake up on Saturday it is already Monday. Does this make sense? It does to me. The weekends of late fly by. I feel like I do not even have two days off of work. Why is it that the weekday can last longer than the average male orgasm but the weekend day busts before it even gets the condom on? I think it is a conspiracy. Either the aliens or the government (which by the way is not too far from being an alien) fuck with the time continum or whatever time thingy that makes time zoom by. And we never notice it. Well I have and I say to either add a day to our weekend or slow time down on the weekends because it sucks worse than your mother. And that is bad. For the time being I guess I will just have to deal with the two "short/non-existent" days that I get off each week. Or I could build me a PaulBot to fill in for me at work when I need that extra day off. But, I am really not sure how to build one.

In other breaking news I replaced Brewser with two...count them...two hooded rats. They are absolutely rat-tastic. They are both females and are about 8 weeks old. Pepper is white with a grey hood and Pancake is white with a blonde hood. Pepper is out of control. She is nosey and ready to investigate everything. Pancake on the other hand is more timid. Actually, she is a scaredy-rat. LOL. Needless to say they have filled the void that was caused by having to return Brewser. Mom loves them and so does Mia. She watches them and does not move. I don't think she realizes what they are and that they could take her out with the ninja moves that I am teaching them. I have to get someone to teach me how to knit sweaters for them. Now that would be absolutely rat-tastic.

Easter went by without any problems. Except for my stomach. It has not been right since I ate that chicken that was bad. I had to cancel on April and the family on Saturday because Mr. Tummelsworth was not letting me leave the house. The same thing on Sunday. And at 4:00 a.m. this morning. I am not sure if it is the lingering results of eating bad chicken or that I am drinking too much Sunny Delight? So I am on Sunny Delight withdrawals.

But, I have managed to lose 3 pounds from my troubles with el camode.


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