Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Friday, March 17, 2006

It will only take a minute...I swear!

I am officially the world's most tired person this morning. Laying in bed this morning I thought to myself "Just give me one more minute and I'll get up. I will even have energy." It is weird but every night I wake up at 3:00 a.m. Every morning around this time I wake up and do not know why. It is like my brain has decided that I have to wake up to look at the alarm clock. From this point I fall back to sleep and wake up and hour later. Fall back to sleep and wake up 20 minutes before I have to get up and pray that I can fall asleep for 15 more minutes. All I know is that it is annoying. I wish that I did not wake up so much during the night. When I wake up if I start to think about, money, world peach, how much I would like to be the next Miss America...I cannot go back to sleep. My mind becomes obsessed with whatever I start thinking about. The real problem happens when I start thinking of song lyrics. I run the lyrics over and over in my head to different beats in different voices. It is like I become a studio and Remix Master P Funk. It drives me insane. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to get a full night's sleep that doesn't involve getting shitfaced and passing out?


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