Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


As of late I have been extremely tired. Usually I have enough energy for about three people but I am really starting to wear down. I am not sure what the problem is. I am ok for about the first couple of hours at work but then it hits me and I am exhausted. I mean to the point that I am almost passing out at my desk. It scares me because I am not used to being this tired all the time. I am getting plenty of sleep at night (for once in my life). I am not under any stress or anything. What the hell is the deal people? Why is it that I am suddenly stricken with this exhaustion? To the point where I am fighting falling asleep so bad that my eyes actually go crossed and my head nods off. To the point that I have to go to the bathroom and take a 5 minutes power nap by sitting on the toilet. Oh by the way I cover the seat and just sit there and fall asleep for a couple of minutes to get some sort of relief. No pun intended. Again to the point that Rachel Ray comes on and I don't care as I hit the power button the television goes off. Goodbye Rachel Ray I just cannot make it long enough to see your Yum-O happy ending.

All I know is that Red Bull lies to you. You don't get wings when you drink it. You don't even get pink glitter sparkles. Much less energy.


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