Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Saturday, February 15, 2003

Back to the drawing board

So yeah my back is off the hook right now. I'd give anything to live a normal day again where my back wasn't an issue. Not being able to sleep is really starting to piss me off. I know a lot of you are probably tired of hearing me talk about my back problems so I've resorted to writing about it. It's not fun...not at all. I wish I could just have a healthy body so that I could enjoy the things that most people my age do. For instance, going on road trips, rollercoasters, and the simplest of things sitting and walking. I'm trying to just deal with it and hope that God helps me through this again but it is getting harder day by day to cope with the fact that I'll never be able to 100% fully recover. I'd love to be able to go on hikes and little excursions with April and my other friends but it always seems like I'm held back because of my back. I've lost all reflexes in my right leg and now it's working on my left leg. I'm hope that I won't wind up in a wheelchair because if I keep losing muscle mass that's what will happen. I hate having to be stuck on pain medication just to function because I feel like I'm in outer space half the time. I've dealt with so much bullshit so far in my life and I was hoping that surgery last summer would end body troubles at least until I got older but, you know things just don't seem to work that way. I don't know if this is like my big test and God is trying to see how strong of a person I am or if it's a punishment for something I've done but I just wish that it would stop. Plus this puts a lot of pressure on my parents because they are constantly worried about me and what's going through my head. Yes I have in the past thought about suicide because I had gotten to the point where waking up each day was just too painful but I've realized that I can pull through this. I have a great support team between April and Amanda and other friends. Just the daily are you feeling better makes me feel better because I know that my friends actually care and I wouldn't want to go and mess things up and never be able to see my friends again. I also would never consider going through with suicide because I'd miss out on my future as well as my family. So this paragraph is basically a little recap of my frustrations but also to thank my friends and family for being so supportive even though my back issue probably annoys the hell out of them. But thanks for at least caring!! It is truly appreciated.

When Aliens Attack

So Tricia got me, Susan and Samantha hooked on . It is where you take care of this alien and battle other aliens. At first it was really cool but I've decided that I'm giving up my alien whose name is Aaliyah. I gave Sam and Susan all my funds and herbs. I hope that they enjoy them. But I'm afraid that Aaliyah Alien is going to become that new series "When Aliens Attack" because she is now abandoned and will only be used to collect herbs for Sam and Susan. Work it! Work until your dollar bill eyes fall off evil alien troll whore! Ha...ah...ha!! Anyway I send a special dedication out to Aaliyah were a great companion for the like 6 months I played the game!!

Crack Kills

Yes we all know this but Amanda and I were watching the weather channel yesterday and this stupid ad pops up in the corner of the screen and it's an advertisement for Zim's Crack Creme. What the fuck? Amanda went to the website and it's for like over dry hands and such. It can be used anywhere. Who in the hell would want to carry around a tube that says crack creme? Hello that just sounds nasty. Like some mad scientist formulated butt in a tube. Ewww! Picture it:

Betty Spaghetti: Oh my look at my dry and weathered face...what am I to do?
Zim-a-zam: [Pops in from no where] I have the answer and it's in this little tube that costs $7.60. Here try it.
Betty Spaghetti: Oh my this creme works wonderful. What is it called?
Zim-a-zam: It's crack creme. Now not only do you have smooth skin but you also have our signature tan.
Betty Spaghetti: A new tan...what the hell?
Zim-a-zam: Yes crack creme. You now are a shithead! Enjoy and don't forget once you use crack you never go back.

Get it...shithead...crack creme? It also sounds like so butt lube for anal sex too but hey the website said you can use it anywhere so who's to say it won't become the next big anal ease of the 21st century? Well I've gotta go get ready for work. I think I'm staying the night in the hotel but I'm not sure yet. With 18 more inches of snow supposedly coming it may be for the best.

Closing statement

Everyone have a great weekend in the snow and don't forget to try Zim's Crack Creme you can find it at you local Cow Manure Depot. Later my peoples sitting on steeples that drive jeeples! Love ya all for sucky belated Valentine's Day!


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