Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, October 16, 2003

It comes in 3's

Today I learned that April's grandfather passed away at about 1pm. I got the call from her at work. I hope that her and her family will be okay. Especially, her grandmother. But, I know that he is in a better place as is Bob. I told everyone at work today stories about Bob and they throughly enjoyed them. Sharon and Heidi want me to tell more stories about Bob because they say he seemed like unique individual. Which of course he is. I mean was. God that's hard to comprehend...writing about someone you know in the past tense. But everyone asked about April's grandfather and when I told them that he passed they said "it comes in 3's" which I had already realized when I got the call from April. My father said not to be so superstitious but i really think that it comes in 3's. It has before. When Barb's son passed away it wasn't a month when Robbie and two other people I knew passed away. I just hope that Zac isn't freaked out by the email I sent to him...if he is I hope he at least let's me know. But I think he will be okay and hopefully we will be able to develop a better friendship. Bob had just joked that Zac and I had to be joined at the hip because we both like black women. Anyway...

On to a brighter note...

Please pray that you never get Paradactyly (don't quote me on the spelling). It is when a person has 5 or more fingers or toes on each hand or foot. Imagine the possibilities of having 12-14 fingers. And better yet 12-14 could hang from trees or power lines. Oh the possibilites are endless for those with extra fingers and toes. You are probably counting your fingers and toes like I did after learning about this disorder. I wonder if you can get that disorder when it comes to downstairs...having two or more dicks or vaginas in one crotch area? Now that could be fun....

I am way to perverted. My journal will never be published. I shall never be famous. Or thin...I'm ready to eat dinner! my tummy...


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