Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Hawke Eye

Today at work the phonelines were down for 3 and 1/2 hours. Beneficial. To the To me...yes. So I went to the store to pick up some Hot Peppers and Olives (yeah did I mention I think I'm pregnant?)...and a magazine. I decided there was nothing that appealling so I settled for Details. Ethan Hawke was on the cover. Flipping through the magazine was like looking at Greek Gods...all of these men were chizeled, tan, and oh so on my "doable" list. Anyway, the whole point of this story is that when I got to the article on Ethan Hawke (which by the way I didn' read) I could not believe how hot he still is. He was modeling designer duds and working out. He was hot in Gattaca and at 40 or whatever he is still remains a "hottie."

Cheryl told me today that if "something became popular I would be the one to have it." I think that was a little rude. I mean if "cubic zarconia rings" were popular and the in thing I wouldn't have one. I prefer silver anyway. She thinks that just because I just purchased my Louis Vuitton wallet that I'm some kind of freak when it comes to having popular/in style things. She said that because my parent's bought a Mercedes that I had to have one because they had one. That is complete and udder bullshit because I was the one that wanted the Mercedes to begin parents thought it was ridiculous to have such an expensive car...but they became hippocrits. Just because I like the finer things in life doesn't make me a bad person does it? I work for what I purchase. If I can't have it I don't throw a fit until I get it. I wait and get it when I can. Yeah I may not wear "non-namebrand" things and drive a nice car, and carry a nice wallet but I've worked for every piece of it.

Am I right to think that she was rude? Am I too materialistic? Do I have to start shopping at the Bargain Bin(this is made up) just to not be considered this way? Or have I proven my point that I work, I bring home the bacon, I buy what I want?

I give to charity ever two weeks when I get paid. It's not like $100 or anything but it is a good amount. I give clothes to shelters, volunteer at community centers, and am always willing to help any of my friends and family out. I think I'm a very caring person. And it just so happens that I care about myself in the process.

Damn people and their comments. She didn't complain when I gave her Godiva chocolate today. I'm going to watch Clueless and think more about this. I really need to know if I'm that vain/egotistical/materialistic?

Or am I just being "gay" about the whole thing? Ya...ha...ha...I'm over last seasons D&G sandals that I ordered but never came.

Toodles kids!!


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