Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Afternoon Kitties...

Yesterday was wonderful. The best day I've had in a long time. Picked Cheri and Michael up and headed to D.C. First of all let's clear things up here. Cheri is from the "Illadel" or "Philadelphia" and I am from "B'more" or "Baltimore." Michael however, has been born and raised in West Virginia. He has never really taken in the experience a city has to offer. So we go to Cheesecake Factory for lunch. First of all I can't talk. My mind was set on "let Paul mispronounce every word he possibly can today" mode. Cheri was the exact same way. Michael is just freaking out because he rode the Metro for the first time and also that the escalators were so long. It was so cute. I just wanted to pinch his cheeks until the Jessica Simpson moment came:

Michael asks, "Are we supposed to use these napkins to wipe our mouths?" in reference to the material napkin.

The inner WV in him came out. His new nickname given by yours truly is "Napkins." How creative?

Any way, so then we go to Hechts. I purchased new CK boxer briefs and a pair of CK trunks with red bands and grey writing. Oh hell yeah. And helped Michael find his CK's. I know exactly what types, yes types, of underwear he wears now and knowing that makes the imagination that much better. Then I bought a new DKNY Jeans shirt. I love it however, my father seems to think that $70 for a top is ridiculous. I however don't.

At any rate we wandered around D.C. until around 830pm and then came back to exchange my Mercedes for the Blazer since we would be driving directly back into D.C. to go to Wet and to Nation. So anywho we get to Wet and I'm like this is going to be fun watching naked men dance around on the bar...this is me being sarcastic. I really wanted to go dancing not become a dancer. However, about 20 minutes after being there we three went to the bar. Out comes this guy who is stripping on the otherside of the bar. I look him dead in the eyes when he turns around. He makes his way over to Michael and I. He does a little of this and that for Michael. Michael tips him (you put the money in their socks because that's all they have on)...and then he comes over to me. We start talking...hold many people do you know that start talking to a man who is buck naked in front of them? Obviously one now. I'm thinking Jesus Christ he is beautiful and his teeth. So he decides to dance and la la la. He bends back down and we talk a little more. He kisses me. Dances a little more. And then I tell him to come back down and inform him that he has a beautiful face. He blushes because he expected me to say something low and shallow about his body like very one else does. He dances a little more, bends down, gives me another kiss and disappears off the stage because he had to prepare for another number. Patrick, The Perfect Teeth Stripper, is so so yummy. And I found a picture for you all to see. I had my picture phone on me but at the time I really wasn't much concerned with a phone.

Please notate that Patrick is the one missing his shirt. Not the not so attractive guy.

Then we left after watching Alex strip to "Toxic" by Brit and headed to Nation. Danced, got to hear some member of the Pointer Sisters perform, saw some hideous dragqueens, saw a guy from Wet that was stripping was his first time. He said he wouldn't do it again because he just couldn't but I know he will...he was really really hot. Got tired, drove home, I got home at 4:56am this morning. Went to bed at 5:36pm. Now I'm ready for next weekend. This is the end all of weekends because Cheri has her surgery the Tuesday after. So Hot Damn...bring on next weekend. I'm not being biased but I think we should go visit so Patrick for me, Rob for Michael, and Alex for Cheri (even though he's gay) next weekend. But then again you never know...wink wink Mai!!


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