Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Wednesday, March 10, 2004


Bill left a comment saying that the whole thing about me kissing Cheri when we meet and greet so validates my "Gay Card" even more...and even more if I yell "Mon Cheri" at the time. Is it weird that I call her that all the time? And that I have chocolates from Spain that are going to be given to her that say "Mon Cheri" on them? My "Gay Card" has been validated and I'm planning on running for President of the Gay Card Club of America. With these qualifications I'm a Prada shoe in.

Other than that today was boring. And progessed to the point that Hell became more and more appealling as a place for me to relocate to.

Life at this point is as motivating as a ball of lint. But I'm thinking the lint has it better because it can be swept away to a new and exciting place. I however, am stuck like a needle.


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