Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, March 09, 2004


Is it just me or have I become a teacher of fashion to the women I work with. Several of the women...actually way more than several of the women ranging from ages 19-50 did not know who Louis Vuitton is. Hello people you see the signature monogramming everywhere these days. So I have taken it upon myself to let them exam the wallet while explaining the origin of Louis Vuitton, where it can be purchased, pricing, and how they really should buy me the keychain change holder I want for my services.

Tomorrow's lesson is Prada and the new Spring/Summer line of purses they may want to look into buying. Also several people are going to be informed of the cardinal rule of white shoes/sandals/pants/purses before Memorial Day. I'm working with a bunch of women who just have no clue what the hell they are doing to themselves when they get dressed in the morning. I am suggesting to Marlene the Director of our building and the VIP of our building that we have a department field trip to Washington D.C. so that I can teach these people culture, fashion, history, and for God's sake GODIVA...somone actually has never heard of I crazy or does my job totally resemble a bad episode of "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy?" Except my show is "Queer eye for the Straight Woman." The only guy I think is worth looking at is Reggie...can we say hottie McHotter than Hell in the middle of drought season.

P.S. I'm so thinking that kissing Cheri everytime we greet and say goodbye has it's benefits. I mean she's hot and by God does she have great lips! Does this revoke my "Gay Card?" or is it just an added bonus of being her "Gay Boyfriend" and she my number one "FagHag?"


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