Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, June 17, 2004


I fell as though I have been neglecting my journal. I don't write in it everyday like I used to when I work banker's hours. Now it is more like a chore to come down to the computer and write. Not that I don't enjoy it but I'm so tired when I get home that I don't feel like typing. Plus the fact that I type all night at work makes me not want to type when I get home. But I'm going to try to get myself on a new ritual when I come home from work. I will be to take a shower, get something to eat/drink, and then head to the computer to check my emails/journals and hopefully if I'm not falling asleep write in my own. I haven't really been reading journals lately. Where at one point I found myself addicted to reading journals I don't have that craving anymore. I guess that working vampire hours has its negatives too. I am a nightowl so that is the positive. The job is interesting. The people I work with not that there are many are too funny. (They love to curse just as much as yours truly). But, nothing that journal worthy happens there and being on a computer all night sort of makes me want to shy away from the use of a computer when I get home. I have managed however to read my friend Amanda's journal everyday. I love the way that she writes. She has always been a kick ass writer. Since we had English 101 together about 6 years ago. She is a person who writes wonderfully non-fiction wise whereas, I am a person that writes incredible fiction. Anywho, so let it be known that, yes, I will start reading everyone's journals again daily and attempt to fill my journal pages with something remotely interesting everyday. Until tomorrow morning at around 7:35am...

Nighty...night....well morney...morn...hey it's the best I could do on about 4 hours of sleep.


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