Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Friday, June 25, 2004

Suck on this exhaustion

So like I have said a trillion times before I do not sleep all that well. Actually when I fall asleep I sleep. It is the whole "trying to fall asleep" thing that is the problem. Let's see I took three shots of NyQuil and two sleeping pills and bam three hours later I was finally tired. Four hours of sleep later and I'm up watching my BVS DVD's. I have tried so much shit to try to get me to sleep but none of them seem to work. Sleeping aids, teas, herbs, crack...well maybe not crack because that has the opposite effect but you never know. Anywho, I've got to get ready for work in about 45 mins and I'm still wide awake. I thought hey lay down for an hour and take a power nap. Yeah that lasted all of 4 mins and I was up and now on the computer. What to do? What to do?

Hopefully, I will be tired by the a.m. because Michael will be here by 1230 tomorrow to go shopping. And we all know that one thing that keeps me awake is spending money for gifts for myself. Anyway, if you have any suggestions please feel free to drop me a note. I'm off to burn a CD for work tonight and then watch another epidsode of BVS before getting a shower.

Later Bitches.


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