Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Lazy Daze
*Note:  If anything is misspelled it is because I'm at work and I'm so tired I have fell asleep three times...just joking...only once.
When I woke up tonight I took two of my Zyrtek D extended release 12 hour.  Then I laid back down after I got ready for work.  When I got back up I was like "damn I'm tired."  Well little did I know but this shit will make you tired.  So tired that you feel like a zombie.  Later at work I started to wake up and due to the air conditioner being broken my sinus' started to go out of control so I took another Zyrtek D extended release 12 hour.  Well then I notice that I'm falling asleep at the desk.  I bundle up in the chair because I was caught up with work and bam I'm out for a cool 5 minutes.  I look at Johannes and I'm like "I know why I'm tired now.  My fucking sinus' medicine is doing it."  So I have struggled all night to not knod off.  Sherry N. if you read this I know my secret is safe with you homegirl.  Hope your vacay went good. 
So needless to say I am finally waking up.  I'm not taking my sinus meds until I get home because if I do take them before I'm afraid I may fall asleep at the wheel and we all know I have bad enough luck being awake and driving.


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