Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Saturday, November 06, 2004

I find this disturbing...

I came home from work to turn on the news after a hot shower. Legislature in Texas has now made it mandatory that all Health class textbooks go by the "code of what marriage really is." Now phrases like "marriage is the union of two individuals by consent" it will now be "marriage is the union of an individual man and an individual woman with their consent." There were some other phrases that will be changed but now textbooks are being censored for high school health class. What about the people that are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual that need to be informed on how to take care of their own health? What about informing these individuals with statistics on the gay community? Why are we now being pushed further back to where they are censoring textbook material and alienating the individuals that are homosexual in high school?

I don't know about you but Texas can kiss my ass with their fucking tongue out. It is complete and utter bullshit. Next, gay and lesbians are not going to be able to go to public schools. We will have to be bused out. Motherfuck that.

Enough bitching about the world. This job is so not for me. But, I will hang out until something better suited comes along. It is not that I don't like the work. It is that the work doesn't like me. Seeing that I have been through two back surgeries I should not be lifting anything over 15lbs. But, as luck would have it I have been lifing over triple that. So whatever. My back feels like it is about to come loose from my body and I am getting crazy muscle spasms in my legs, feet, and sides. But, it is better than nothing at all. And, if I become even more disabled than I already am I just have to fucking deal with it.

Life is like a fucking roller coaster it just jerks you off and you are never satisfied. Fuck.


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