Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Because I Rock

I have decided to give myself a boost of confidence today. Therefore, I am going to give you a list of self-absorbed reasons as to why this boy rocks.


1) I rock because I have skills. Aside from being able to knit, crochet, cook, draw, clean, blow your boyfriend, and multi-task I am able to get a full days work done in less than five hours. Fuck you slackers. Just kidding.

2) I rock because I am asian. Now I may appear to be a white boy on the outside but on the inside I am totally a yellow person. I sound more authentic than your local carry-out call taker. Don't hate because you are still trying to pull off a broken accent.

3) I rock because of my hair and eyebrows. They were groomed yesterday and I must say I look fabulous. Keep the compliments coming people. I enjoy them.

4) I rock because I saved a baby animal from drowning. Don't act like you don't know about Baby Jessica the Mouse. I may not have the body of a lifeguard but I damn sure have the skill of rescue. Eat my free style baby.

5) I rock because of my sense of humor. I have developed it and it works. Censorship does not apply to this sailor's mouth. I will tell you if you are a whore slutbag troll beast and not think twice about it. Honesty is the best policy.

6) I rock because I say I rock and fuck you if you don't agree. See I'm just being honest. Deal with it. And I'm not being cocky. I said cock. LMAO.

Those are just a little piece of why I rock. If you don't agree I will be sure to send my minions to torture you until you see that what I say goes. Their names are Pancake and Pepper and they are on speed dial.

Don't make me hit *2 people.


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