Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

And the saga continues...

The "Winged Demon" has officially disappeared. I am guessing that she has gone bonkers from being contained on the porch for a long period of time and just ended it. She ripped her own wings off to lead to her ultimate demise. Or she found a hidden exit from the porch. Either way she is no longer stalking me. I kind of liked having her as a stalker. She was my first.

However, yesterday as I am driving home from the store I am stopped at a red light. I have the window down as I am smoking. Of course. Big surprise. And I see her majesty "The Great Winged Annoyance Demon." Formerly known as a common house fly. She is on my winshield. Prancing around. Rubbing her nasty legs together as if she is plotting her next stint as a pest. I do not turn on the wipers to kill her because I figure that it was cruel and it would leave a nasty mark on the glass. I had hopes that she would just fly off into the great oblivion. I should have known better. She plotted. She plotted better than the WD of the Porch Lair. In she flies with all her grossness that can be associated with flies. Ugh. Are you serious? She is on my door parading around as to temp me to smack her with my hand. Little does she know that I would never. That would just be me loosing points as a fag. We fags do not practice killing things with our bare hands. Anywho...she begins to fly away. All is good. Well she makes a U-turn. Now she is by my feet and she is trying to crawl over them. Um no sister. Not gonna work. She causes me to flick my feet around to which I hit the brakes at a green light. Do you realize the amount of strife you are causing you Annoyance Demon? So, I do it. I look down and as she is sitting waiting to tickle attack again I stomp her. I mean she would die from the second hand smoke anyway. Gone are my insect problems.

Until she rises from the dead. I guess I did not smooch enough into the carpet. Well obviously she was just getting her barrings back when I ever so evilly stomp her again and stomp with all my might. So hard I could have possibly made my car into a Flintstone's car.

She is dead. But, if that bitch rises again I'll swear it is the devil.


Blogger No Milk Please said...

i don't like touching insects either. but i don't think i would've waited before killing the fly, i would've turned on the wipers in a sec.

thanks for visiting paul. hope all's well.

8:20 AM  

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