Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Keeping Secrets

When it comes to really important things you expect people to keep your secrets. I pretty much do that. If I do tell someone it is generally my mother and I know that she will not say anything. But, when it comes to keeping secrets from April (my BFF...and this is an inside joke. Generally I wouldn't use BFF.) and her keeping secrets from me we do not do this. As much as I try there is just no helping my mouth from opening up like your mother's legs at a brothel. I am fully willing to tell her everything. Now granted there have been things that I have been able to not tell her. And that usually had to do with personal stuff that I didn't want anyone to know. And I am sure we all know why. April and I just have that bond where we do not keep things from each other. At least I'm sure we do. LOL. Hey we all have those secrets that go no where but our own minds.

I am wondering if other people have friendships like this? Is there that one person that you tell everything to? That even the most blackest of black mails you run your mouth about? Do you become a blubbering idiot when it comes to keeping information from a friend? Do you "Spy" super powers disapate and you give into the Chinese water torture before the first drop hits your head?

I just know that in general keeping secrets is harder than not keeping the crabs I caught from your mother at the brothel. And I am willing to be the Sally Jessica Rafael when it comes to April.


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