Boy Interrupted

So, what's your diag-nonsense?

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

So today Amanda and I go to class and of course it is extra credit day so we had to write a poem in the style of Walt Whittman that was a catagorizing poem. Like catagorizing people, jobs, get the picture. Amanda did different types of alcohol...I did sexual positions! I'm sure to get an A from Professor Sexy Poetry. Here is my poem

Their Positions

The woman arches her back like a bridge,
The man's arms reach to be her support,
The two come together on bent knee.

He is able to observe her body like a long road,
She is blinded facing away from the eyes,
The mounds are split from behind with a shovel.

She is out stretched but upside down,
His hands surround her protecting her crown,
He one way and she the other,
F&*%ing each other without a cover.

She switches the gear with a thrust,
He remains calm looking up to her bust,
She is in control to her he must trust.

He pumps and thrusts as on a mission,
This is not her favorite position,
To be folded like a pretzel is her condition.

He sat still upon the leather,
Her tongue she used as a feather,
A brewing load forecasted the weather.

Her mouth was slowly spread,
His tongue awaiting to tread,
Upon her newly shaven bed.

She held her two curves together,
He felt the warmth of a sweater,
No other mounds could have been done better.

His digits slipped below the belt,
A rush of moisture is all she felt,
One plus two they began to melt.

Which one to choose was the decision,
To determine their position.

Well I know that it is really naughty but Amanda and I think that it is a pretty cool poem. Let me know what you think! Later in latex! Paul


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